„TO NISI“ was founded in 2017 as an official and registered Greek animal welfare association in Chania on Crete. With the support of our contacts in the European Parliament and in cooperation with the local city administration, we proposed the establishment of a pilot project to enact a sustainable solution to the omnipresent and tragic problem of stray animals here in Chania.
Our proposal for solving this problem included a comprehensive sterilization program for stray companion animals. Moreover, we saw the need for community education about stray animals and the community’s participation in solving this catastrophic problem. Our proposal required a new local animal protection association to ensure coordination and cooperation, an association that would meet the EU’s strict criteria for transparency, modern organizational structures, quality management, and legality. In order to meet these standards and to enable the pilot project, we founded the association „TO NISI“.
Initially the local city administration sent out very positive signals in support of this pilot project – a project that was also very advantageous for the city. Unfortunately, they soon showed a disinterest that was incomprehensible to us and to our contacts at the highest EU level. This ignorance resulted in the pilot project not being implemented.
While others might have decided to give up at this low point, we at TO NISI made exactly the opposite decision. Why? Because we understood and refused to accept the awful situation of the stray animals in our midst. We decided to continue!
The philosophy of our association is sustainable animal protection in all its facets. And it doesn’t end there. Our philosophy and the program that embodies it is this:
Gather kind and good people and organizations around you, locally and internationally, who want to help the defenseless and voiceless animals. We invite you to change something together with us.
TO NISI is a non-profit association. We are not allowed to make any profits, and we do not make any. We use your donations to pay for sterilizations, medical therapies, nurseries, and dog training here, on site, as long as the money lasts. We try to find the best homes for puppies and kittens and the grownups. We try hard to gather good people and bring them together. We believe in networking, locally and internationally, and we’re working on that. We believe that we have to get involved in local politics as an association and as a representative of the associations, and we have to show our presence as the voice of the animals who need our help. We are here on site, and we get involved and take responsibility.
Our philosophy is to help as best we can and to make things better as best we can. We invite you, through your volunteering and through your financial support, to help us as best you can to create a better world for strays, day by day.
TO NISI’s work in animal welfare never stops. We invite you to be a part of it. That’s our philosophy. Together for the animals